people throughout the world have been forced to stay home due to the COVID-19
pandemic, there are many lessons we’ve learned (and are still learning). One of
them is that the destiny of people and nature go hand in hand, and we simply
can’t ignore that fact. The celebration of the 2020 World Environment Day is
a good moment to stop and reflect on some key aspects of the relationship
between people and wildlife that have been highlighted by this global crisis.
the first weeks since news of the coronavirus emerged, several reports pointed
to bats being the origin of this novel contagious disease. Led by
misinformation and fear, many people throughout the world attacked bats to
avoid the spread of COVID-19. However, as more research was conducted, scientists and
conservation leaders warned that this link was not 100% proven and launched
communication campaigns to remove the stigma on bats and highlight their
important environmental benefits including pollination, seed dispersal, and
pest and disease-vector control. Although COVID-19 has indeed been identified
as a zoonotic disease - a human disease of animal origin - its exact animal
source is yet not clear.
zoonoses have been an increasing problem for many years. According to the UN
Environment Programme, 75% of all emerging infectious diseases are transferred
to people from wildlife. They include Ebola, avian influenza (or bird flu),
H1N1 flu virus (or swine flu), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), Rift
Valley fever, sudden acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), West Nile virus, and
the Zika virus. Evidence
shows that the emergence and re-emergence of zoonotic diseases are closely
interlinked with the health of ecosystems, and their spread increases with
the intensification of human activities surrounding and encroaching into
natural habitats, enabling pathogens in wildlife reservoirs to spill over to
livestock and humans.
lost habitat?
When the
lockdown and isolation began across different countries, we were impressed to
see how wildlife quickly appeared in cities and other places where they would
previously not dare to go, because they had been occupied by humans. Dolphins in Turkey, boars in
Israel, and pumas in Chile are examples of animals touring largely empty
city streets, fascinating -and sometimes scaring- urban dwellers.
given by experts vary. Some claim that these species are once again roaming
what used to be part of their original habitat, while others attribute this
behavior to dire conditions in their natural environment, such as the megadrought
in Chile, which would drive them to leave their comfort zone in search for food
and water.
abandoned by tourists
While some
wildlife species have seized the opportunity to explore new horizons, others are
not so lucky. Many zoos and other wildlife attractions across the globe have
been hardly hit by the drop of tourism as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. I’ve
written before about the risks
of feeding wildlife and other impacts of wildlife tourism, including buying
souvenirs made from endangered species and observing
whales and dolphins. However, the crisis in the tourism industry caused by
the spread of this new coronavirus brings this issue into the spotlight once
From the
at the Prang Sam Yod temple in Thailand to Neumünster Zoo in Germany,
animals in captivity are starving as a result of lower revenues from tourism,
which affects the capacity of the facilities to provide food for them, and, in
some cases such as the temple in Thailand, less tourists to bring snacks to feed
them. In Chile, zoos are working together with authorities and reaching out to
the community for help through the advanced sale of tickets for when the
facilities are able to open once again.
The drop
in tourism has also affected protected areas in many countries, where it has
resulted in less stress to local wildlife, but at the same time has reduced the
number of potential witnesses or casual guardians against criminal acts. With parks
closed and law enforcement personnel diverted to other duties related to
COVID-19, poachers
have taken advantage of reduced human presence to increase their activities.
What can
we do?
This is
a huge question. In fact, during this worldwide health, economic, and
environmental crisis there are many things society as a whole needs to reflect
on if we want to be successful in the common struggle of humans and wildlife for
survival and sustainability.
Nature is making a clear statement! As countries start to plan ways to build back once the COVID-19 pandemic is under control, getting nature at the heart of all decision making must be our top priority. We need to act now to make the world a better place for people and for nature!